Wednesday 24 April 2013

Still alive and still losing weight

I just wanted to let you know I am still alive and still losing weight, I have just been incredibly busy with work that blogging has taken a back seat (in kinda a big way). I will be back on again soon as my first round of 12WBT is coming to an end and I would like to share my honest thoughts and opinions on the program and keep you up to date with my progress.
Talk to you soon :)
Liv x

Saturday 23 February 2013

I can barely move...

But not for the reason you might be thinking! I did my Super Saturday Session yesterday. Didn't have a whole lot of time up my sleeve so I did the Michelle Bridges "Burning Bridges" workout video. I really pushed myself hard and it paid off! I burned 550 calories, which is an extra 100 calories than I usually burn when I do that video.

I then had to rush off to do makeup for a wedding. The makeup went really well, everyone looked lovely, the only problem was that the collective makeups took around 3 hours. That equals 3 hours of bending forward to put makeup on someones face without a high stool or any back support for me. Well this morning I was in so much agony I couldn't get out of bed and I have been in as much pain since. I hobbled around the supermarket and got my boyfriend to grab all the things on the bottom shelf for me. I am going to try and do some gentle stretching later tonight so hopefully I will be alright for my cardio workout tomorrow morning.

Oh and I forgot to tell you all that I now weigh 69.9 kilograms. I am actually so excited because I have finally made it back into the "sixties" and reached my 1 month goal 2 weeks early!

Well must go now and make falafels for tomorrows lunch. At least I will be able to use my thermomix. I have neglected my poor thermie since I have started 12WBT. I really need to work on adapting recipes so that I can use it more.

Liv x

Monday 18 February 2013

12WBT Pre-season Wrapup

Hello everyone,

I am in my second week of Michelle Bridges 12WBT and I am loving it! I have been getting up at around 6:15 and doing the videos for around 15 minutes. The exercise is definitely a struggle, but getting it out of the way in the morning leaves the rest of the day to relax without having it hanging over my head. Hopefully soon it will develop into a habit and it will be a lot easier to get up!

The food has also been amazing so far. I really want to try every dish and then hopefully i can find some sort of routine and rotate my fave dishes around. The best meal I have had so far has to be the Beef with Creamy Mustard Mushroom sauce. My partner absolutely loved it! Least favourite would be the fish but i did enjoy the spicy chickpeas that went with it!

So I thought I would wrap up the pre-season tasks that I completed in case anyone is interested :)

1st task: Get Real
This task was all about working out what our excuses are and coming up with solutions to all of them. For example, Excuse: I dont want to exercise because it is too cold/hot. Solution: Exercise indoors with a DVD. this task was really great and now whenever I think of an excuse I have ready made solutions waiting.

2nd task: Set your goals
Pretty self explanatory, but yes this task was about setting goals. The goals you set need to be specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-based. I have gone over my specific goals in a previous post :)

3rd task: Gear Up
I really enjoyed this one because it meant spending money (any excuse)! I bought myself a Heart Rate Monitor, a new set of scales, a new step and some Michelle Bridges DVD's.

4th task: Say it out Loud
This one was easy for me because I have been so excited about starting 12WBT that I have pretty well told everybody as it is! The task suggested posting my commitment to 12WBT on facebook. I didnt feel comfortable doing this as I dont really talk to most of the people I am friends with on facebook so I passed on this part of it, but I did "like" 12WBT on facebook ;)

5th task: Kitchen makeover
This task was all about throwing away all the naughty foods in the cupboard. In my case, the naughty foods were just moved to another cupboard up high, so my partner could still eat them, but if I wanted to I would have to get a chair out!

6th task: Organise and diarise
I enjoyed this task because it meant going to Kikki K and buying a new diary! I got a beautiful coral leather diary (as well as a folder to organise all my 12WBT notes, recipes etc). I then sat down and marked in my diary all my "red flag" days as well as shopping days, cooking times and exercise times.

7th task: Fitness Test
Took me a while to do this one, I think that is because I knew what the result would be. My results weren't great, and it confirmed my beginner status...

8th task: Measure Up
This task involved measuring all my jiggly bits and uploading a scary picture of myself. I did not really enjoy this task and kinda left it to the last minute to do. Hopefully when I have a brilliant "after" photo, I wont feel quite so embarrassed about my "before" photo!

And that was it for pre-season! It was a lot of fun and I learned a lot, but I am glad that the actual challenge has started and I cant wait to write more about it!

Liv x

Monday 4 February 2013

Weigh In Catch ups

Hello! So I have been so busy over the past couple of weeks learning to drive and getting ready for 12WBT & I kinda let this blog slip a little. But I am making up for it right now! Here is my past 2 weeks weigh ins in a pretty template created by arthlete. She has a tumblr and is a super awesome artist who does all "fit & healthy" themed work.

Anyway, here is my second weigh in:
And here is my third weeks weigh in:
Now you are up to date!

So I have lost a total of 2.9 kgs! I wasn't all that happy with last weeks, but I did eat a lot of crap that weekend and it was still a loss. This weekend just past I really tried to control myself and hopefully it will show on the scales on Wednesday.

I am so excited, only 6 days to go until 12 Week Body Transformation begins. I bought myself the Michelle Bridges Crunchtime DVD set, a step for training at home, a new set of bathroom scales (replacing my dodgy ones) and a Heart Rate Monitor. I am now officially poor, so couldn't quite afford new exercise gear - I will have to wait for pay day :)

Tuesday 22 January 2013

I lost 1.5kg!

Yesss! This 1200 calories a day thingo pays off! Thank goodness for that, there has to be some benefit ;) I haven't even started with exercise yet and I have already lost 1.5 kgs (last weeks weigh in)! That is almost 2% of my current body weight and I haven't even officially started 12WBT yet!

Our last pre-season task was to set our goals. My one month goals are:

Lose 5kg.
Wake up at 6:30 every day.
Run 2km without stopping.
Walk up & down Mount Lofty (very steep, difficult hike in Adelaide).

My 3 Month goals are:

Lose 15kg all up.
Wake up at 6:00 every day.
Run 4km without stopping.

I have also set "rewards" for myself along my weight loss journey at particular milestones. The first one is at 70 kg, but I think I will keep it a secret until I get there!

Next task is gear up and I cant wait because that means spending $$$ :)

Monday 14 January 2013


So we have officially started pre-season of the Michelle bridges 12 week body transformation. I am so excited!

We had our first task today to write down all of our excuses to not exercise as well as come up with solutions. This was a really great task, I cant wait for the next one!

It seems that my main obstacle for not exercising is not so much an excuse as sheer laziness. I hate putting on my exercise clothes and socks and shoes, but once I get walking I always enjoy it, so if I can try and keep that in mind it should hopefully be motivation to get beyond getting dressed. It's the same obstacle that gets in my way with vacuuming, doing the dishes and ironing. I'm alright once I get going, it's the "setting up" that puts me off.

I have been trying to stick to around 1200 calories in preparation for the 12WBT. I thought I would write down a typical days food, working out to roughly 1200 calories.

45g Be Natural 5 Whole Grain Flakes
100 ml B D Paris Creek Reduced Fat Milk
Small handful of fresh blueberries

Morning Snack:
Various fruits adding up to around 150 calories. For example plum, banana & strawberries.

Mountain bread wrap with hommus, 97% fat free ham, lite swiss cheese, cucumber and tomato.

Afternoon snack: 
Chobani no fat greek yoghurt tub with frozen blueberries (defrosted).

Grilled chicken with herbs and spices, small portion sweet potato fries/pasta/brown rice, salad

So there you have it! It is still quite a lot of food, although I have noticed that I don't ever feel full, just content, but I do feel hungry quite often. I have decided that feeling hungry is not necessarily a bad thing though, it is probably quite normal in nature.

For comparison, lets have a look at how a typical days food for me would have looked pre-12WBT.

Toasted Muesli, milk, banana, chia seeds, flax seeds, strawberries

Morning Snack:
None unless there was a morning tea at work in which case I would eat cake, chocolate, party pies...whatever was on offer!

Usually bought, either 2 pieces of sushi with mayonnaise or a white roll with tuna and salad, or a ready made wrap or leftovers from the night before.

Afternoon snack: 
Chocolate or chips to cure boredom or if I was feeling really stressed.

Takeaway would be Thai food or Chinese or pizza or chicken & chips (probably about 3x a week), home cooked meals would be Steak, mash & veg or Spaghetti bolognaise or Chilli con Carne with rice or Tacos (4 or 5!) or Chicken Curry with rice and potatoes (because one type of carb is never enough).

Dessert/After dinner snacks:
Ice cream or 1/2 pack Kettle Chilli chips (yes, the large pack...) or chocolates or biscuits with a cup of tea.

I have never written this down before! Wow,  it looks really bad! Not to mention the fact that I ate lots of cream, butter, white rolls, cheese, bacon, salami etc. No wonder I was packing on the kilos!

OK, well I really should go to bed now so I can get up and go for a walk in the morning (or not...sigh) - still not quite getting my head around this exercise thing! But I am confident it will come later. I'll get my diet in order first, then exercise!

Also will be weighing in Wednesday morning and taking photos as well so stay tuned for that!

Liv x

Tuesday 8 January 2013

First Weigh-In, 12WBT & Journey Photos


I hope we are all making wonderful progress towards our weight loss goals and not eating too naughty!

I had kind of a bad weekend as far as eating goes. Let's just say there may have been some fish and chips, Thai food, ice cream and Kettle Chips consumed. I don't want to make excuses, but I did have a very stressful weekend, what with my mum and step-dad being trapped in bush-fires on the Tasman Peninsula. They are fine now & back in Victoria, but it was a little bit scary and on Friday night i was too busy stressing to cook an awesomely healthy dinner.

I did make amends tonight at the pub by ordering grilled kangaroo with couscous and citrus salad! It was very yummy, i don't usually buy or make Roo but i might have to start.

So I weighed in today for the first time in about 6 months and turns out I am my heaviest yet, weighing 75.1 kg. This sort of news would normally send me into a downward spiral but instead i am excited because I joined the Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation challenge today! Have you heard of this? I hadn't until a friend showed me last week and let me have a play around using her login details. I was sold by the amazing recipes and organisation planners for food and exercise. Also, I spent a bit of time today exploring the forums and everyone is so helpful and supportive, i am really impressed!

I am really excited for pre-season which starts in 6 days time. There are a number of tasks which then need to be completed before the actual 12 weeks begins in February. The great thing about it is everybody starts at the same time so we are all in the same boat.

I am also currently working on the week 3 & 4 warm up tasks (warm up is before pre-season) which are to keep a food diary and walk/run 30km in one week. I have already racked up 1 km of exercise that I wouldn't have normally, by walking instead of being picked up by my partner.  Only 29km to go!

I have also added a Journey Photos tab in the top bar which I encourage you to have a look at if you would like to see photos of me from 2001 until present - including my particularly hideous "before" photos. They are just hanging out for some good looking "after" photos to keep them company. Soon my dears...

Liv x

Almost forgot, if you are also doing 12WBT and want to follow me, my username is Olivia 800. See you in the forums :)

Thursday 3 January 2013

1st step

There is always a turning point.  I was in denial until I reached mine. I was trying on bra's at a department store and none of them seemed to be fitting. The fitting assistant measured me and turns out I am 2 sizes bigger than I thought. Only problem is they don't make any pretty bras in the larger sizes. Oh well, at least my boobs are bigger, thats got to be a win...right? Then I was trying on dresses in my favourite dress shop, Gorman, and struggling to zip up the size 12 dress. Then the size 12 skirt also seems to be faulty. Must be the measurements they are using to make the clothing. They must've changed. Oh well, at least i know to buy the size 14 when I do online shopping. Only it's not just that one store, it's all of them. Yes, ladies and gentleman, I was in denial. A part of me knew i was getting bigger, I just ignored that part and kept eating.

So what has happened in the last couple of weeks to trigger this blog and the sudden realisation that I am actually overweight?

Well it all began when I wore a dress to work the last day before our Christmas break-up. The dress has an elasticated waistband and a loose swishy kind of skirt. As I was sitting at my desk, I noticed that I could feel something against the top of my legs. It was my stomach. It was a sensation that I have never before felt and did not enjoy one little bit. When you get so overweight that your stomach hangs over your undies only to end up resting on your legs, it is definitely time to do something about it.

I will post some pictures up in the next couple of days along with my current weight, measurements, goals for the future and plan of attack!

Until then...enjoy your salads ;)

Liv x